Archive for April, 2010


Sickness, Finals and Birthdays

April 29, 2010

Yesterday was my birthday and I woke up with a sore throat and fever.  ughhh  Today Finals begin, I’ve taken two and I have three to go.  Oh, and I feel much better than yesterday.  That’s pretty much it.  Studying…finals…studying…finals.


Alabama International Film Festival

April 25, 2010

I helped with the Film Festival this weekend and it was awesome.  Friday we had a mixer at the Marriott, where we got to hear some live music and talk with some people who had submitted films.  Saturday we had a concert that was being shot for a documentary, by Jack Pribek and Bill Dees (wrote Pretty Woman and a lot of other songs for Roy Orbison).  And today we wrapped it up.  A few people are reading Diary of Sarah McClure, which I’m nervous about.


A Touching Moment With My Grandson

April 22, 2010

I reached my hand out to him and said “Shane,
Grandma loves you” and he slowly reached out his hand and touched
mine, then…he farted. LOL


Happy Maiden Day!!

April 20, 2010

Tomorrow, the 21st is Iron Maiden Day! Woohoo! Up the Irons!


My new camera

April 20, 2010

For my birthday (next week), Mr. Dragon bought me a new camera, seeing as how my old one pretty much sucked. It’s awesome! It’s a Canon SD 780IS, for those that are wondering. It has an automatic setting that takes care of the details and all I have to worry about it is clicking the button. It also has some kind of stabilization thingy on it, so even if your hand shakes it fixes it so the picture isn’t blurry.


My Grandson and Elmo

April 17, 2010

So I got a new camera and I snapped this picture of Shane. What cracks me up is that it looks like he got caught being bad, and that it shocked Elmo too. lol


A rant (and isn’t it about time?)

April 14, 2010

People are really pissing me off today. From pushy men who think it’s a sport to intimidate women, to obnoxious posters who believe the world has the right to their opinion, even if it’s on a site that doesn’t belong to them. I visited TWO sites today where people just didn’t get it (facebook of course), why befriend someone just to cut them down or make a nuisance of yourself?? It’s like going into a gardening chat room and typing WEEDS! It’s stupid and pointless. As for the pushy men part, I hate pushy men, especially if they happen to be dealing with my daughter. In fact, it’s a good way to get your ass kicked BY A WOMAN. Got it? Good.


New Chapter Is Up

April 13, 2010

Chapter 36 is up on Skye Has Fallen.



April 10, 2010

Don’t tell the doctor, but I went to an arts festival today without brace, bandages or crutches (if i had some my size that is). My leg is sore but I handled it pretty well. While we were out for the day I got a t-shirt, a diner style coffee mug and an antique picture just like one that used to hang in the house where I grew up.
I also ordered my class ring today. ‘Tis very cool. It has the scales of Justice on it with a garnet background. I can’t wait until it arrives. They assured me it would be in before graduation. Speaking of school, I only have 2 weeks and 2 days until my last class, and finals end on the 5th. The 7th is graduation…yay! It’s been a really loooong semester. Your prayers have definitely been appreciated.
The birds are driving me absolutely insane. Anyone want some free cockatiels?? Please?? Shhhh…nevermind, here comes Mr. Dragon.


I’ve Fallen and I…

April 9, 2010

Yesterday morning, as my status on facebook, I put the following, ” Some people are like Slinkies … not really good for anything, but you can’t help smiling when you see one tumble down the stairs”, to which Tess replied, “Have a nice trip!” Last night I fell and sprained my ankle. I shit you not. After getting back from wal-mart, Mr. Dragon asked me to help him take the trash to the curb, so with my purse and a wal-mart bag in one hand, I was attempting to drag this heavy box down our hill with the other…in my clogs..and I stepped on a sweet gum seed(??). This made my clogs wobble and I fell, snapping my ankle sideways, and landing on my hip and elbow on the concrete, AND the big ass box I was carrying fell on top of me. My first words (unfortunately) were to blurt out an obscenity, quickly followed by a prayer that my ankle would not be broken. And the night just kept getting better from there. On the way to the hospital, I decided to have a quick cigarette because I didn’t know how long I’d be in there. That’s when I discovered that when I fell, I had fallen on my purse and mangled my cigarettes. Screw it, I smoked one anyway…after straightening it out and pushing some tobacco back in it wasn’t too bad. After my trip to the emergency room, where they kept trying to look at the wrong ankle (spoken to a nurse, “I can go back and fall down my driveway again if you want, maybe I’ll get the left one this time”) and tried to give me a tetanus shot, I finally made it back home, only to discover that the crutches that the pharmacy had given me were too big. Mr. Dragon called them and told the they had given me the wrong size, he had specifically told them when he was there that I was 5’6”. They said it was the only size they had left. So the bastards sold me crutches they knew I couldn’t use because???? I was supposed to use the crutches for three days. bastards At the hospital I was given a liquid gel brace, and since it felt good I slept with it on. When I got up this morning I could tell something was wrong, and when I checked, for some reason the friggin’ gel part of it triggered my adhesive allergy and I had raw skin and blisters where it had been snug. SO I wrapped my foot and ankle in stretch gauze then put my brace back on and headed to classes…looking like Boris Karloff in the Mummy, dragging my foot around. I was never so happy to make it home as I was today. And I’ll never post about people falling down the stairs again.