Archive for May 30th, 2010



May 30, 2010

So my husband bought me an e-reader called the “Nook”, and I have to say it kicks major ass. So far I’ve read a story about a serial killer, called “Serial”, a book called “Sh*t My Dad Says” (which is funny as hell) and have just started Dean Koontz’s Frankenstein. Everybody should get one.
Like almost every Sunday, Mr. Dragon and I went out to eat and then shopping. Eating in restaurants around here is always interesting. Mostly because we can’t finish a meal without people coming up to talk to us, or more specifically, my husband: students, colleagues, church people, old neighbors and occasionally government peoples. It’s nice but sometimes irritating. Just saying.
While shopping we bought some flowers for the front porch, adding to the ones that Mr. Dragon bought and surprised me with yesterday. I love having flowers around, the more the merrier. Maybe I should just give it up and live in a greenhouse?
It’s only 10 more days until we go to Indiana…woohoo! I can’t wait! We’ll be there for about 4 or 5 days, just long enough for me to kick Goldbloom’s ass and then high-tail it back to Alabama before she wakes up. 🙂