
Keeping Abreast…

January 5, 2012

Today, for my female readers, I would like to address a situation that is LITERALLY close to our hearts. Our breasts. Not that there’s a problem with them, unless you count men’s obsession with them. Now to most women they are either food for their babies or a fashion accessory, or both. To men they are fun bags, dirty pillows, ear muffs…well…you get the picture. I didn’t realize how bad this obsession was until recently, when I was lying on the couch looking up at the ceiling. I noticed our light fixtures in the television room resembled breasts. I know, that in itself does not show an obsession, but then I started walking around the house looking at all of our light fixtures, and this is what I found.

Are you kidding me?? Are you freakin’ kidding me??
Geez, no wonder men are fanatical about changing light bulbs. The poor bastards don’t even know why, they just know they want to touch them. Ahem… I think I’ll end this post with a Dave Barry quote that’s perfect for this situation. “Scientists now believe that the primary biological function of breasts is to make males stupid.”


  1. LMAO!!! I never put two and two (or tit and tit) together before this. Now I understand why Mr T spends as much time as he does with light bulbs 🙂 Hilarious!

  2. Big, small, real, fake, it makes no difference. They have the uncanny power of taking complete control of a man’s mind and speech. * shakes head *

    Those light fixtures are definitely the work of a male industrial designer!

  3. TPL and Mrs. C,, the song “It’s a man’s world” comes to mind when looking at these light fixtures. It makes me want to go into the lighting section of Lowes and scream “All you men are sick…go home to your wives!” lol

  4. Great observations! We don’t have a single light fixture like that in our house, which might explain why my husband is so lax in changing light bulbs….

  5. Time for a little home improvement? eh? 🙂

  6. Gotta admit, I didn’t read this post. Was too busy trying to grope the light fixtures.

  7. LOL! I guess where else can you get your hands on a pair that glows?

  8. […] I should have posted this last month, since it was breast cancer awareness month.  A repost January of 2012…enjoy! Keeping Abreast… […]

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